Month: July 2021

7 things God hates because he Loves us

ELTV: The 7 things God hates, because He Loves us!

On this episode of ELTV, join Barb, along with her 2 guests as they share from Proverbs 6:16-19, and the seriousness of each one, especially Lying. Also shared will be personal testimony of dealing with some of these areas. Proverbs 16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 …

God Of the Impossible with Dr. Samuel Naaman

ELTV: God Of the Impossible: with Dr. Samuel Naaman. Kamal Saleem, Ex-Jihadist powerful testimony!

God Of the Impossible! Dr. Samuel Naaman, Professor-Dept. of Intercultural studies at Moody Bible Institute and Co-Author of “God of the Impossible” shares about his family background and what happened to his father and brother evangelizing in an extreme Muslim country, and also the inspiration behind co-writing the book which features the true stories of …

Impacting culture for Christ

ELTV: Becoming Together-4 Christian women share their journey & about impacting culture for Christ!

Everlasting Love introduces our new segment “Becoming Together.”  It features four Christian women from varying backgrounds sharing God’s divine purpose for their lives and the impact they can have on the culture for His Kingdom! Like women in biblical times, they put their faith and steadfast trust in God to change the world. How is …

Pastor Dan Haas

ELTV: Murder & Crime rate drops in Aurora, IL. as Pastor chooses to pray, stay & obey the Lord!

Local Aurora, IL. community church Pastor, Dan Haas along with his wife, Gayle made a decision that impacted their community. As a post-college Aurora native, Haas had grand plans to ditch his hometown and move to Washington, DC. But when the federal government put a freeze on hiring in 1974, Haas got “temporarily” stuck in …

Midwest Christian Academy

ELTV: Midwest Christian Academy (Does going to a Christian school make a difference)

On this episode of ELTV, The Principle a Midwestern Christian Academy, Lee Saunders, and a his wife, JoAnne, who teaches 2nd grade at the school came on our program to share their journey and how going to a Christian school can impact the life of each student. website is: About MCA: Midwestern Christian AcademyThe …

Pastor Yong Brierly

ELTV: Pastor Yong Brierly story (River Of Destiny church)

On this episode of ELTV, Born and raised in South Korea a Buddist home, our guest, Yong Brierly shares about her journey and how she came to live with her husband in the corn fields of southern IL. Website: Pastor Yong Brierly River of Destiny Church in Lostant, IL Pastor Yong Brierly and her …

Tony and Nancy Saavedra

ELTV: Beauty from Ashes-Tony & Nancy Saavedra testimony

He was on the highway to hell, and she came from a dysfunctional family feeling very rejected. On this episode of ELTV, our guests share their journeys and what happened.

Dr. Deborah E. Gorton

ELTV: Author Dr. Deborah E. Gorton shares her journey & about her book: “Embracing Uncomfortable”

On this Episode of ELTV, Dr. Gorton shares about her journey and what led her write her newest book, “Embracing Uncomfortable” Website: About Deborah:For over 14 years, Dr. Deb Gorton has been practicing, directing, building, developing, equipping, and partnering. As a clinical psychologist, she is fascinated by what drives decision-making and change. She is …

Jeorge Holmes shares

ELTV: Entertainer, Elvis Impersonator, Coach & Pastor, Jeorge Holmes shares

Jeorge Holmes, who is multi talented as vocalist entertainer singing all the old classic songs you love, Elvis impersonations and sings Gospel classics all with his singing partner, Diva Montell. But more important is he is a pastor and coach, sharing from what he has been through. Websites:http://jeorgeholmes.com Michelle McKinney Hammond Shares about her story …

Pastor Steve Cassell

ELTV: Pastor Steve Cassell “Our American Heritage, the Constitution and Christian History”

Pastor Steve Cassell of Beloved Church in Lena, IL. came on our program to share his testimony, and his journey as a pastor, standing up for the church’s rights based on the constitution, during this pandemic. Websites: Steve began his journey of faith just after graduating from Forreston High School in North-Western Illinois …