Greater Chicagoland
& Los Angeles

ELTV serves not just the Greater Chicagoland area and Los Angeles, but through Facebook, YouTube and Rumble, we are able to inspire a broader audience. We consider our program to be an effective tool for communicating the gospel and bringing hope into people’s lives.


Broadcasting times/days/locations

Chicago Access Network CAN-TV Channel 36

Comcast/RCN at 11pm on Saturdays & Sundays

Comcast Cable Mt. Prospect channel 19/35

Fridays at 10pm, includes all Northwest suburbs
Link to show what suburbs:

Comcast Cable Elmhurst channel 19

Thursdays at 10pm, includes all Southwest suburbs
Link to show what suburbs:

Total Living Network (TLN)

Tuesdays at 11pm

LA36 Channel 36 in Los Angeles​

Sundays at 7am

RTN (Romanian TV Network)

Saturdays at 10pm

Do you have a powerful story
of transformation 
Please share it with us!

Everlasting Love is always looking for guests who have powerful stories of how Christ transformed their lives and is using them to fulfill the great commission!

Featured Stories

Real stories of lives transformed by grace!

On this episode of Everlasting Love: Actor, Author and teacher, Maggie Malone shares her journey and about her new book. “Inconvenient Heartbeat” is a candid, poignant, expose of a young woman’s experiences and the unexpected

Jovan Ramos believes in the transformative power of clarity. With a unique background in education, counseling, and church leadership, he has discovered that clarity of purpose produces long-lasting results. Jovan is a speaker and uniquely

Topic: Human Suffering Vs. Christian Suffering When suffering overwhelms us, it’s easy to dispair and even doubt the goodness of God. On this episode of Everlasting Love, our guest, Mark Talbot retired Associate Professor of Wheaton